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Collapse 06257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-199406257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-1994
Expand 1 - Estates Department - 1946-19831 - Estates Department - 1946-1983
Expand 2 - Finance Department - 1947-19902 - Finance Department - 1947-1990
Expand 3 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-19913 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-1991
Expand 4 - Legal Department - 1985-19864 - Legal Department - 1985-1986
Expand 5 - Marketing Department - 1948-19575 - Marketing Department - 1948-1957
Expand 6 - Mining Department - 1759-19906 - Mining Department - 1759-1990
Expand 7 - Opencast Executive - 1966-19947 - Opencast Executive - 1966-1994
Expand 8 - Public Relations Department - 1962-19868 - Public Relations Department - 1962-1986
Expand 9 - Scientific Department - 19579 - Scientific Department - 1957
Expand 10 - Secretary's Department - 1947-199110 - Secretary's Department - 1947-1991
Expand 11 - Staff Department - 1952-198411 - Staff Department - 1952-1984
Expand 12 - Statistics Department - 1949-196512 - Statistics Department - 1949-1965
Expand 13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s
Expand 14 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-199114 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-1991
Collapse 15 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-195715 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-1957
Collapse 1 - Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Co. Ltd. - 1696-19471 - Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Co. Ltd. - 1696-1947
Collapse 1 - Title deeds - 1696-19451 - Title deeds - 1696-1945
Expand 1 - Box 1 - 1748-18911 - Box 1 - 1748-1891
Collapse 2 - Box 2 - 1776-19412 - Box 2 - 1776-1941
1 - Attested copy of Deed of Arrangement relating to the lease of minerals under the Ansley Hall Estate - 30 Apr 1897
2 - Bundle of receipts for payments made during the execution of the wills of Mr Thomas Clark and Mr John Clark - 1776-1842
3 - Account of the succession of a farm house known as Ansley Lodge upon the death of Maria Orton - 1906
4 - Acknowledgment of Deeds by Married Women - 21 Jan 1859
5 - Draft lease of the Slate Seam of Coal under lands in the Hamlet of Stockingford in the Parish of Nuneaton in the County of Warwick - 1908
6 - Agreement by Ansley Hall Coal and Iron Co. Limited to sell an 800 sq yds plot of land for £120 - 1908
7 - Receipt for £870 for compensation paid by Ansley Hall Coal and Iron Co. Ltd. in respect of damage caused by subsidence to Ansley Lodge - 1925-1941
8 - Copy from draft assignment and apportionment of the sum of £300 payable on the death of Frances Ludford for securing £250 - 1816
9 - Blueprint for proposed cowshed, cooling house and drainage at Charity Farm, Ansley - Jun 1939
10 - Attested copy of Appointment of new Trustee and transfer and conveyance for vesting trust estate and premises to Miss Caroline Stanton and Mr Leonard Gisborne as Trustees of Indenture of settlement - 8 Oct 1856
11 - Bentley. Plan of an Estate belonging to T. B. Troughton Esqre. - 1874
12 - Plan of Estate at Bentley in the County of Warwick - n.d.
13 - Duties on Land Values returns, Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Co. - 1913
14 - Abstract of the Title of Mr William Topp and his Mortgagee to Hereditaments at Ansley in the County of Warwick - 1858
15 - Release and Indenture [mostly illegible] - 20 Feb 1884
16 - Release [mostly illegible] - 27 Apr 1813
17 - Deeds [mostly illegible] - 18th-19th century
Expand 3 - Box 3 - 1722-18793 - Box 3 - 1722-1879
Expand 4 - Box 4 - 1732-18534 - Box 4 - 1732-1853
Expand 5 - Box 5 - 1746-18545 - Box 5 - 1746-1854
Expand 6 - Box 6 - 18th century-18546 - Box 6 - 18th century-1854
Expand 7 - Box 7 - 1750-19397 - Box 7 - 1750-1939
Expand 8 - Box 8 - 18th-19th century8 - Box 8 - 18th-19th century
Expand 9 - Box 9 - 18th-19th century9 - Box 9 - 18th-19th century
Expand 10 - Box 10 - 18th-19th century10 - Box 10 - 18th-19th century
Expand 11 - Box 11 - 1748-185411 - Box 11 - 1748-1854
Expand 12 - Box 12 - 1696-189412 - Box 12 - 1696-1894
Expand 13 - Box 13 - 18th century13 - Box 13 - 18th century
Expand 14 - Box 14 - 1773-194114 - Box 14 - 1773-1941
Expand 15 - Box 15 - 1787-194515 - Box 15 - 1787-1945
Expand 16 - Box 16 - 1750-183816 - Box 16 - 1750-1838
2 - Schedules and valuations of lands, farms, etc. belonging to the company. - 1947
Expand 2 - Arley Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1924-19532 - Arley Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1924-1953
Expand 3 - Baddesley Collieries Ltd. - 1863-19463 - Baddesley Collieries Ltd. - 1863-1946
Expand 4 - Glascote Colliery Co. Ltd. (Amington Colliery) - 1938-19474 - Glascote Colliery Co. Ltd. (Amington Colliery) - 1938-1947
Expand 5 - Griff Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1878-19575 - Griff Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1878-1957
Expand 6 - Hockley Hall & Whateley Collieries - 1878-19196 - Hockley Hall & Whateley Collieries - 1878-1919
Expand 7 - Kingsbury Collieries Ltd. - 1904-19477 - Kingsbury Collieries Ltd. - 1904-1947
Expand 8 - Merry & Cuninghame Ltd. (Binley Colliery) - 19078 - Merry & Cuninghame Ltd. (Binley Colliery) - 1907
Expand 9 - Morris & Shaw Ltd., Birch Coppice Colliery (Hall End) - 1876-19499 - Morris & Shaw Ltd., Birch Coppice Colliery (Hall End) - 1876-1949
Expand 10 - Newdigate Colliery (1914) Ltd. - 1898-194910 - Newdigate Colliery (1914) Ltd. - 1898-1949
Expand 11 - Pooley Hall Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1914-194711 - Pooley Hall Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1914-1947
Expand 12 - Warwickshire Coal Co. Ltd. (Coventry Colliery) - 1918-194912 - Warwickshire Coal Co. Ltd. (Coventry Colliery) - 1918-1949
Expand 16 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-195416 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-1954
Expand 17 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-197617 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-1976