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Collapse 06257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-199406257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-1994
Expand 1 - Estates Department - 1946-19831 - Estates Department - 1946-1983
Expand 2 - Finance Department - 1947-19902 - Finance Department - 1947-1990
Expand 3 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-19913 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-1991
Expand 4 - Legal Department - 1985-19864 - Legal Department - 1985-1986
Expand 5 - Marketing Department - 1948-19575 - Marketing Department - 1948-1957
Expand 6 - Mining Department - 1759-19906 - Mining Department - 1759-1990
Expand 7 - Opencast Executive - 1966-19947 - Opencast Executive - 1966-1994
Expand 8 - Public Relations Department - 1962-19868 - Public Relations Department - 1962-1986
Expand 9 - Scientific Department - 19579 - Scientific Department - 1957
Expand 10 - Secretary's Department - 1947-199110 - Secretary's Department - 1947-1991
Expand 11 - Staff Department - 1952-198411 - Staff Department - 1952-1984
Expand 12 - Statistics Department - 1949-196512 - Statistics Department - 1949-1965
Expand 13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s
Expand 14 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-199114 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-1991
Collapse 15 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-195715 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-1957
Collapse 1 - Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Co. Ltd. - 1696-19471 - Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Co. Ltd. - 1696-1947
Collapse 1 - Title deeds - 1696-19451 - Title deeds - 1696-1945
Expand 1 - Box 1 - 1748-18911 - Box 1 - 1748-1891
Expand 2 - Box 2 - 1776-19412 - Box 2 - 1776-1941
Expand 3 - Box 3 - 1722-18793 - Box 3 - 1722-1879
Expand 4 - Box 4 - 1732-18534 - Box 4 - 1732-1853
Expand 5 - Box 5 - 1746-18545 - Box 5 - 1746-1854
Expand 6 - Box 6 - 18th century-18546 - Box 6 - 18th century-1854
Collapse 7 - Box 7 - 1750-19397 - Box 7 - 1750-1939
1 - Abstract of the Title of Mr Thomas Clarke to freehold messuage and lands at Mancetter in the County of Warwick contracted to be sold to him by Mr Eli Green - 1873
2 - Abstract of Title to the Oldbury Estate in the County of Warwick, of which Haughton Charles Okeover of Okeover in the County of Derby is Tenant for Life - 1869
3 - Conveyance of a messuage two closes of land and hereditaments situate in the Parish of Ansley in the County of Warwick - 25 Mar 1861
4 - Abstract of the Title of Mr Walter Wood to the Dudley Wood Farm at Bentley in the County of Warwick - 1909
5 - Copy draft lease of the Slate Seam of Coal under lands in the Hamlet of Stockington in the Parish of Nuneaton in the County of Warwick - 30 Sep 1901
6 - Counterpart underlease of land situate at Ansley in the County of Warwick for building purposes - 1879
7 - Correspondence and plan from Midland Railway, Derby, relating to the proposed removal of level crossing at Ansley - 1898
8 - Indenture for coal royalties - 17 May 1881
9 - Agreement for the sale and purchase of an Estate in the Parish of Mancetter in the Parish of Warwick containing nineteen acres one roon and sixteen perches or thereabouts. - 26 Sep 1862
10 - Copy of Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Newdigate Ludford of Ansley Hall - 13 Dec 1825
11 - Schedule of Lands in the Parish of Ansley belonging to the Trust of Perkins Charity - 1901
12 - Specification of labour and materials required in the erection of proposed cowshed, drainage, alterations, additions and general repairs to be carried out at Chariry Farm, Ansley - Jul 1939
13 - Copy of letters of appointment of Managing Director, Manager, Secretary, Undermanager and Enginewright at Ansley Hall Coal & Iron Company Limited - 1929
14 - Last Will and Testament of Thomas Butler of Arley - 13 Dec 1758
15 - Copy Probate of the Will and Codicil of John Clark, deceased - 1840-1873
16 - Last Will and Testament of John Burton of Nuneaton - 2 Jan 1807
17 - Last Will and Testament of John Pallett of Backley Heath in the Parish of Ansley - 23 Mar 1832
18 - Purchase agreement - 1807
19 - Bond between Jonathan Francis of Hartshill to Mrs Anne Peters of Atherstone - 28 Jan 1750
20 - Mortgage of a messuage and lands situate at Ansley in the County of Warwick for securing £700 and interest - 18 Feb 1852
21 - Release of arrears of interest in respect of a sum of £10,000 secured by settlements - 13 Feb 1853
22 - Release of lands in Ansley [some parts illegible] - 18th century
23 - Deeds [mostly illegible] - 18th-19th century
Expand 8 - Box 8 - 18th-19th century8 - Box 8 - 18th-19th century
Expand 9 - Box 9 - 18th-19th century9 - Box 9 - 18th-19th century
Expand 10 - Box 10 - 18th-19th century10 - Box 10 - 18th-19th century
Expand 11 - Box 11 - 1748-185411 - Box 11 - 1748-1854
Expand 12 - Box 12 - 1696-189412 - Box 12 - 1696-1894
Expand 13 - Box 13 - 18th century13 - Box 13 - 18th century
Expand 14 - Box 14 - 1773-194114 - Box 14 - 1773-1941
Expand 15 - Box 15 - 1787-194515 - Box 15 - 1787-1945
Expand 16 - Box 16 - 1750-183816 - Box 16 - 1750-1838
2 - Schedules and valuations of lands, farms, etc. belonging to the company. - 1947
Expand 2 - Arley Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1924-19532 - Arley Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1924-1953
Expand 3 - Baddesley Collieries Ltd. - 1863-19463 - Baddesley Collieries Ltd. - 1863-1946
Expand 4 - Glascote Colliery Co. Ltd. (Amington Colliery) - 1938-19474 - Glascote Colliery Co. Ltd. (Amington Colliery) - 1938-1947
Expand 5 - Griff Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1878-19575 - Griff Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1878-1957
Expand 6 - Hockley Hall & Whateley Collieries - 1878-19196 - Hockley Hall & Whateley Collieries - 1878-1919
Expand 7 - Kingsbury Collieries Ltd. - 1904-19477 - Kingsbury Collieries Ltd. - 1904-1947
Expand 8 - Merry & Cuninghame Ltd. (Binley Colliery) - 19078 - Merry & Cuninghame Ltd. (Binley Colliery) - 1907
Expand 9 - Morris & Shaw Ltd., Birch Coppice Colliery (Hall End) - 1876-19499 - Morris & Shaw Ltd., Birch Coppice Colliery (Hall End) - 1876-1949
Expand 10 - Newdigate Colliery (1914) Ltd. - 1898-194910 - Newdigate Colliery (1914) Ltd. - 1898-1949
Expand 11 - Pooley Hall Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1914-194711 - Pooley Hall Colliery Co. Ltd. - 1914-1947
Expand 12 - Warwickshire Coal Co. Ltd. (Coventry Colliery) - 1918-194912 - Warwickshire Coal Co. Ltd. (Coventry Colliery) - 1918-1949
Expand 16 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-195416 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-1954
Expand 17 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-197617 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-1976