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Collapse 06257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-199406257 - NATIONAL COAL BOARD - 1696-1994
Expand 1 - Estates Department - 1946-19831 - Estates Department - 1946-1983
Expand 2 - Finance Department - 1947-19902 - Finance Department - 1947-1990
Expand 3 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-19913 - Industrial Relations Department - 1969-1991
Expand 4 - Legal Department - 1985-19864 - Legal Department - 1985-1986
Expand 5 - Marketing Department - 1948-19575 - Marketing Department - 1948-1957
Collapse 6 - Mining Department - 1759-19906 - Mining Department - 1759-1990
Collapse 1 - Surveyors Department - 1759-19901 - Surveyors Department - 1759-1990
Expand 1 - Seam Tracings - [1948-1965]1 - Seam Tracings - [1948-1965]
Collapse 2 - Individual Colliery Plans - 1759-19902 - Individual Colliery Plans - 1759-1990
Expand 1 - Ansley Hall Colliery: Underground plans - 1759-19661 - Ansley Hall Colliery: Underground plans - 1759-1966
Expand 2 - Arley Colliery: Underground plans - 1900s-19682 - Arley Colliery: Underground plans - 1900s-1968
Expand 3 - Baddesley Colliery: Underground and surface plans - 1837-19903 - Baddesley Colliery: Underground and surface plans - 1837-1990
Expand 4 - Binley Colliery: Underground plans - 1911-19294 - Binley Colliery: Underground plans - 1911-1929
Expand 5 - Birch Coppice Colliery: Underground, surface and subsidence plans - 1881-19865 - Birch Coppice Colliery: Underground, surface and subsidence plans - 1881-1986
Expand 6 - Coventry Colliery: Underground, surface and subsidence plans - 1912-19936 - Coventry Colliery: Underground, surface and subsidence plans - 1912-1993
Collapse 7 - Daw Mill Colliery: Underground, surface and geosim plans - 1966-19907 - Daw Mill Colliery: Underground, surface and geosim plans - 1966-1990
1 - Subsidence plans, Daw Mill and Coventry Collieries - [1960s]
2 - Conjectured geological section along line of 7s Left Hand Gate - Dec 1966
3 - Firefighting plans - 1968
4 - Underground layout plans - 1968-1987
5 - Record of vertical movement at No. 2 shaft inset - 1971
6 - Geosim plan showing planned workings to December 1988 - May 1974
7 - Isopach plan showing thickness of dirt separating top and bottom Nine Feet and thickness of sandstone separating Bare and Ryder Seams - May 1974
8 - Isopach plan showing thickness of dirt separating top and bottom Nine Feet and thickness of sandstone separating Bare and Ryder Seams - May 1974
9 - Geosim plan showing planned workings to December 1988 - May 1974
10 - Geosim plan showing planned workings to December 1988 - May 1974
11 - Workings in the Thick Coal Seam - [1977]
12 - Underground layout plans - 1980-1986
13 - Main features, Thick Coal Seam - [1981]
14 - Geosim plan for Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - [1982]
15 - Geosim plan, optimum South West Mine - [1982]
16 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
17 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
18 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
19 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
20 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
21 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
22 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
23 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
24 - Geosim plan, optimum South West Mine - [1982]
25 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - c.1982
26 - Five year development plan, Thick Coal Seam, upper and lower leafs - Dec 1982
27 - Alternative mining strategy projected layout, Warwickshire Thick Coal, Upper Leaf - Jul 1986
28 - Plan showing Dexter Connection and 1's Manrider - Jul 1986
29 - Panelled layout, Warwickshire Thick Coal, Upper Leaf - Aug 1986
30 - Predicted ground movements for High Pressure Gas Main, Maxstoke - [1986]
31 - Plan of consented discharges - 28 Jan 1987
32 - Estimated subsidence effects on UKOP pipelines - 1 Jun 1988
33 - Projected ventilation layout - Mar 1990
34 - Projected ventilation layout - Mar 1995
35 - Projected ventilation layout - Mar 2000
36 - Projected ventilation layout - Mar 2010
37 - Geosim plan, Daw Mill and Coventry expansion - n.d.
38 - Plans of underground workings - late 20th cent
39 - Five year development plans, Thick Coal Seam - late 20th cent
Expand 8 - Exhall Colliery: Underground plans - 1875-19128 - Exhall Colliery: Underground plans - 1875-1912
Expand 9 - Griff Collieries: Underground and surface plans - 1876-19589 - Griff Collieries: Underground and surface plans - 1876-1958
Expand 10 - Haunchwood Collieries: Underground plans - 1895-196710 - Haunchwood Collieries: Underground plans - 1895-1967
Expand 11 - Hawkhurst Moor Colliery: Underground and layout plans - 1986-198711 - Hawkhurst Moor Colliery: Underground and layout plans - 1986-1987
Expand 12 - Hockley Hall and Whateley Collieries: Underground plans - 1891-189212 - Hockley Hall and Whateley Collieries: Underground plans - 1891-1892
Expand 13 - Kingsbury Colliery: Underground plans - 1947-196813 - Kingsbury Colliery: Underground plans - 1947-1968
Expand 14 - Newdigate Colliery: Underground and land ownership plans - 1903-198114 - Newdigate Colliery: Underground and land ownership plans - 1903-1981
Expand 15 - Newton's Charity Colliery: Underground plan - 192015 - Newton's Charity Colliery: Underground plan - 1920
Expand 16 - Old Polesworth Colliery: Underground plans - 186916 - Old Polesworth Colliery: Underground plans - 1869
Expand 3 - Warwickshire Coalfield Plans - 1926-19903 - Warwickshire Coalfield Plans - 1926-1990
Expand 4 - Seam Plan transparencies - 1953-19614 - Seam Plan transparencies - 1953-1961
Expand 2 - Schemes & Projects - 1975-19892 - Schemes & Projects - 1975-1989
Expand 3 - Incidents - 1986-19873 - Incidents - 1986-1987
4 - Closure of Binley Colliery - 1962-1965
5 - Plans of Lamproom, Canteen and Pit Offices, Binley Colliery - 1952-1958
Expand 7 - Opencast Executive - 1966-19947 - Opencast Executive - 1966-1994
Expand 8 - Public Relations Department - 1962-19868 - Public Relations Department - 1962-1986
Expand 9 - Scientific Department - 19579 - Scientific Department - 1957
Expand 10 - Secretary's Department - 1947-199110 - Secretary's Department - 1947-1991
Expand 11 - Staff Department - 1952-198411 - Staff Department - 1952-1984
Expand 12 - Statistics Department - 1949-196512 - Statistics Department - 1949-1965
Expand 13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s13 - Photographs - 1900-1980s
Expand 14 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-199114 - Records of individual collieries - 1892-1991
Expand 15 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-195715 - Pre-nationalisation records of individual collieries - 1696-1957
Expand 16 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-195416 - Pre-nationalisation records of coalmining bodies - 1898-1954
Expand 17 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-197617 - National Smokeless Fuels Ltd. - 1972-1976